The Evolution of Care: Inside Independence Mental Health Institute in Independence, IA

A Glimpse into the Past of Independence Mental Health Institute

The Independence State Hospital, remembered by many locals, holds an important place in the history of Independence, Iowa. Constructed in 1873, it served as the second asylum in the state.

The original plan was to alleviate the overcrowding of the Mount Pleasant hospital and provide care for alcoholics, geriatrics, drug addicts, the mentally ill, and the criminally insane.

Named variously as The Independence State Asylum, The Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, The Independence Lunatic Asylum, The Independence Asylum for the Insane, and The Independence Mental Health Institute, the hospital stands as a testament to the changing perception of mental health over the years.

The Hospital’s Architecture: A Sight to Behold

Designed by the renowned architect Stephen Vaughn Shipman, who was also responsible for constructing mental institutions in Elgin and Anna, Illinois, Oshkosh, and Mendota, Wisconsin, the hospital proudly displays the Kirkbride Plan.

The building, which took ten years and $845,000 to complete, stands majestically at the end of a long stretch of lawn. Despite several renovations and changes over the years, the exterior of the building bears an uncanny resemblance to its early photographs.

The Darker Side of the Hospital

Much like the asylums of its time, the Independence State Hospital has a darker side to its history. The remnants of its gruesome past can still be found in the form of its graveyard, hydrotherapy tubs, and lobotomy equipment. The hospital is infamous for its dark labyrinth of tunnels connecting every building.

The Hospital Today

Today, the hospital, now known as The Independence Mental Health Institute, continues to serve as a psychiatric hospital, offering various services, including a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.

It also operates as a training school for nurses. Despite parts of the Kirkbride building being unused, it has been maintained in good shape and recently renovated.

The hospital also houses a museum with relics from its older years, offering a glimpse into its rich history. Tours of the institution are available to the public by appointment, providing a chance to explore this historic landmark.

The Hospital’s Role in the Community

The Independence Mental Health Institute plays a significant role in the community, providing inpatient psychiatric treatment for adults, adolescents, and children needing acute psychiatric service.

The goal is to provide care for individuals in the most unrestrictive environment feasible and swiftly reintegrate them into their communities. Given that services are offered irrespective of financial capacity, it is a significant asset to the community.

The Hospital’s Struggles

Despite its historical significance and active role in providing healthcare services, the hospital has recently faced challenges. There is a staffing shortage, with open positions for RNs and LPNs receiving few applicants.

As a result, the hospital is exploring a variety of solutions, including the development of a Certified Medical Assistant program in collaboration with Indian Hills Community College, the use of contract labor, and the shifting of staff to areas in need.

Future Prospects

As the hospital navigates through these challenges, there is an evident focus on the future. Programs such as the Future Ready EMS class, funded by the Iowa grant program, offer an opportunity for young people to enter the healthcare profession.

The hospital is also piloting a program in the Des Moines metro area to streamline the process of entering the healthcare profession. Furthermore, efforts are being made to discuss potential solutions to staffing shortages with licensing boards.

A Beacon of Mental Health Services

As the sun sets on the lawns of the Independence Mental Health Institute, one can’t help but reflect on this establishment’s sheer history and impact. From its inception in 1873 as the second asylum in Iowa, the institute has evolved and adapted to the times, providing much-needed services to those in need.

The Independence Mental Health Institute is a symbol of the past and a beacon of hope for the future. It is a testament to our progress in understanding and treating mental health issues and the strides we continue to take in providing comprehensive, compassionate care.

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